Gong Fu Brewing - Quick Start Guide

The Gong Fu method is the best way to brew tea, unlocking and enjoying the true flavor of each tea. This method stems from traditional ceremonies of ancient China, dating back to the time of dynasties.

This is a simple guide to begin brewing Gong Fu tea, created by our partners at Golden Life Tea.

Step 1: Measure

Remove loose tea from airtight container using a tea scoop. This will prevent contamination.

For an accurate measurement, you may use a kitchen scale.

Loose tea recommended per 100ml pot:

Green: 3g

Black/Red: 4g

Oolong: 5g


Step 2: Prepare Water

Golden Life Tea recommends using distilled water for brewing.

Brewing at the correct temperature per type of tea will benefit the aroma and flavor, creating a better brew.

Brewing temperature recommended per 100ml pot:

Green: 85°C / 185°F

Black/Red: 100°C / 212°F

Oolong: 90°C / 194°F


Step 3: Wake Up

Fully saturate all tea leaves with hot water in the pot or gaiwan, then immediately discard all water. This will allow the leaves to unfurl and loosen.


Step 4: Steep


Pour water slowly, from the outer edge inward in a circular motion. Make sure to pour out all tea before steeping the next brew, unless otherwise noted.

Steeping time recommended per 100ml pot:

Green: 10 Seconds - Keep pot half full between brews.

Black/Red: 5 Seconds

Oolong: 10 Seconds


Step 5: Brew Again

Fine teas can be brewed repeatedly. Please note, add several more seconds per brew after the third brew using the same leaves.

Amount of brews possible per 100ml pot:

Green: 5 Times

Black/Red: 7 Times

Oolong: 7 Times

Shop fine Chinese teas at Golden Life Tea.


From Fire and Smoke: Lapsang Souchong - the Smoked Black Tea


Gong Fu Brewing Guide and Secrets